• Degree : Graduate - Postgraduate - Undergraduate
  • Application Fee : EUR0
  • Intake : July
  • Deadline for application : 01 Jul 2021
  • Language Requirements : ✓  International Certificate in English at B2 level

CBS International Business School Description

CBS International Business School is a state-recognised private university of applied sciences for business. CBS offers accredited Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degree programmes in English on a full-time basis. Throughout Germany, the university is represented at three locations in Cologne, Mainz, and Potsdam. In addition, there are over 120 international partner universities worldwide where students can spend their semester abroad. In various rankings, HR managers and students confirm that CBS is the best private university of applied sciences for business administration in the Rhineland and is one of the best digital education providers in Germany.

Cologne Campus Description

CBS International Business School is a state-recognised private university of applied sciences for business. CBS offers accredited Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degree programmes in English on a full-time basis. Throughout Germany, the university is represented at three locations in Cologne, Mainz, and Potsdam. In addition, there are over 120 international partner universities worldwide where students can spend their semester abroad. In various rankings, HR managers and students confirm that CBS is the best private university of applied sciences for business administration in the Rhineland and is one of the best digital education providers in Germany.

The largest of the three CBS campuses is Campus Cologne.  Approx. 1,600 CBS students, the metropolis with over a million inhabitants accommodates another 99,000 students. In addition to numerous study possibilities, the city offers numerous job opportunities as well as a multitude of leisure activities due to its attractive location in the Rhineland. As a trade fair and media city, Cologne is known throughout Germany and also internationally as a tourist destination. Above all, students appreciate the multicultural, cosmopolitan start-up spirit, and the many opportunities to build up their personal business network during their CBS studies. Many German companies have their headquarters in Cologne or the neighboring city of Düsseldorf - internships and student trainee jobs are therefore available in numerous sectors. 

* International students are required to pay a deposit (3000 €) in order to secure their study place. It will be deducted from the last semester tuition fees of the chosen programme.

See Program Details

Tuition Fee

EUR7,230 Per Semester
See Details

In the Business Psychology course of CBS, you will acquire specialist knowledge for your international management career: During the first semesters you will be introduced step by step to the basics of financial accounting, business basics and microeconomics and will deepen this knowledge in relevant fields of application such as “market research” and “strategic and international management”. Other focal points include:- Media and Consumer Psychology-…

EUR7,230 Per Semester
See Details

Do you have a passion for numbers? The “Finance and Management” (Bachelor of Science) course is a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a focus on finance. As a Finance Manager you will later take on a key position in companies and will be responsible for money management. Due to their high affinity for analytical processes, graduates of this study programme are predestined for career entry to classic companies in the financial sector,…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

Digital change does not only confront companies with the challenge to technically restructure processes and business procedures, but also to actively involve their employees during the entire change process. This requires managers to have special skills that go beyond the technical and methodological knowledge of business management. In the specialisation "Digital Management" in the Bachelor programme "International Business" you will acquire important…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

There is a good reason why many CEOs were first Chief Financial Officers. Every business is about money. About profitability and liquidity. Numbers are at the heart of any business. Those who know the financial situation and can control it can lead the entire company. Therefore, experts who studied Finance are in demand. They work in the financial departments of companies or directly in companies for which money is the essential business: namely…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

The human resources department in every company requires people with leadership skills. You will learn leadership theories, how HR management works, how labor law differs between industries and from one country to another, and how you can become an ethical, socially responsible and successful leader.In Germany, people include a photo and salary expectations when applying for a job. In the UK, photos are often frowned upon and the salary is already…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
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Trade is becoming ever more international, more diverse and more exciting. Thanks to free trade, fewer boundaries, digitalization, and fast logistics, today just about everyone can order a smartphone directly from China and have it in their hands two days later. Or dinner ingredients can be delivered fresh and right to a home – a logistical masterpiece. Trade is an industry that is constantly reinventing itself and where anything is possible. This…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
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McK, BCG, KPMG … successful companies are often recognized by the fact that they use the services of corporate consultancies. Especially in difficult situations. Consultants love exciting tasks and change. The task is always to address the challenges faced by companies that have a direct impact on business success. With thought-out strategies and methods. The market for consulting services is booming, as globalization and digitization are causing…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

Theoretically, the best product or the most attractive service should have no trouble succeeding on the market. Practically however, the marketing is often decisive. Why is a particular detergent the market leader? Why does one business software company have fans and others just customers? Marketing is an art. And a science. The Marketing Management studies at CBS will teach you marketing from the ground up. From classic advertising to social media…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

You could be forgiven for believing that you’ve got a good understanding of what tourism management entails. The familiarity of booking a trip and experiencing a destination as a marketable entity seems almost second nature to us. However, even the shortest excursion often involves intersecting with various facets of hospitality, aviation, event, service and hotel management. What’s more, tourism is directly affected by the environment – and vice…

EUR8,730 Per Semester
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The MBA Program, International Management commencing yearly at the end of August is aimed, in particular, at graduates of non-economic studies programs who wish to expand the knowledge acquired from a first degree studies or the skills attained through initial professional experience through sound, business-oriented and internationally oriented know-how.Not only do graduates of a business economics studies background benefit from rediscovering the…

EUR11,610 Per Semester
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Acquire your MBA title at CBS International Business School in just one year! This is possible with the Fast Track MBA. This form of study is interesting for everybody who on one hand wishes to learn the typical economics contents of an MBA programme but on the other hand is prepared to do without the extra offers of our classical MBA programmes. Therefore, for example, no specialisation options and also no training courses for the intercultural…

EUR7,830 Per Semester
See Details

It is not possible to predict or calculate how consumers will react in the economic cycle or how employees will react in change processes. Business psychologists play an important role in these questions due to their sound academic, interdisciplinary training: Firstly, they possess the psychological expertise to positively influence and steer employees or customers. Secondly, they have a deep understanding of business administration, which helps…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
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In many sectors, digital marketing is no longer just window dressing for traditional marketing but has become part of the strategic direction – particularly for globally operating companies in almost all sectors of the economy. As the diversity of digital media increases, there is a contemporaneous need in middle and upper management for experts who master both individual disciplines while also bringing management and leadership qualities to the…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
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As one of the largest transformation processes in the history of mankind, digitalization is changing the demands placed on companies and business processes. In order to successfully shape digital change within companies, managers with extensive process management and IT know-how are needed. The master's Degree in Digital Transformation Management offers you well-founded specialist knowledge on the opportunities and challenges of digitilization as…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Food is no longer ordered over the phone but through an app. Payment transactions are carried out via an online service. The rail system found itself up against competition from long-distance buses – because founders had a good idea and the courage to legally make it happen. Start-ups can be successful in many industries, and a start-up community is emerging in more and more cities. But not every company is founded on immediate success. What factors…

EUR7,830 Per Semester
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Finance is one of the most attractive employer markets for business economists. The prerequisite for your career in the capital market  however, is a deep understanding of its interrelationships, processes, and actors. By studying Global Finance (Master of Science), you lay the foundation for your career in international companies and groups. As a manager in senior management, you will acquire in-depth specialist knowledge of finance over four semesters,…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Today, human resources have achieved a powerful position because they provide decisive competitive advantage. Keywords such as shortage of skilled workers, digitalisation of work, changed work-life balance demands of Generation Y, (gender) diversity, sustainable employee management, the discussion about scandals and leadership ethics, and much more dominate the headlines. All areas are embedded in a global strategy and influenced by strong competition,…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Globalization presents new challenges to international corporations. Potential employers expect leadership, team and integration skills, high motivation, multilingualism and excellent knowledge of economics. Precisely these abilities are imparted on you within the International Business Master’s programme at CBS International Business School, so that later on, you can make strategically meaningful and sustainable decisions in middle or senior management.…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Finance is the backbone of the economy of every country and every company. This is where you see your future. You have discovered your talent for finance and are now ready for the next step: a four-semester master’s degree programme in financial management at CBS International Business School qualifies you for higher management tasks in international corporations. Here you acquire the skills that employers are looking for: along with outstanding…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Marketing is constantly changing. Though digitization makes it easy to measure advertising effectiveness, the fragmentation of communication channels and the bombardment of advertisements in an “always-on” society makes it increasingly challenging to place advertising messages effectively. On a global level, this means flexibility is required in terms of strategic marketing decisions, creating a demand for a new type of manager who will help shape…

EUR7,830 Per Semester
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With its comprehensive training concept, the master of science in strategic management & consulting prepares you optimally for positions in management or consulting companies. Within four semesters, you will thus become able to make far-reaching decisions for your future employer on the basis of figures and facts.What strategy change should a company implement? And which consulting tools and techniques do you use to base your evidence on to justify…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
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In October 2019 Greta Thunberg rejected the Nordic Council environmental award because “the climate movement does not need any rewards”, she says rather convincingly. At CBS, we applaud her as we believe the climate movement needs stewardship more than anything else. But how do we ensure that tourism business development and sustainable growth can be managed concurrently?According to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), sustainable tourism…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

Studying International Business at CBS can provide you with the decisive career advancement that a normal business studies programme may not be able to offer. As the world of business has become globalized, almost every kind of business today is international business. This can be seen by the fact that the company language of large, international corporations and German medium-sized companies is often English. The reason: customers and company locations…


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Studying in another country is often the beginning of a new life. USA, Canada and the UK are the most popular destinations for international students. Western and Central European countries are closing the gap by offering high quality programs at more affordable prices and flexible rules to access the labor market. Univerna co-operates with prominent educational institutions all over the world.

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Finland
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Malta
  • Online
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Slovakia
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • UK
  • USA
  • United States of America

Your nationality and country of residence may play an important role during your program and visa application process. We know the invisible criteria and will help you once you start your application process with us.


Most institutions require a proof of your language proficiency. Students often start with a preparation program to improve their language skills in line with the program requirements and obtain a certificate.


Educational institutions offer a huge variety of programs in a wide range on different study levels from short term certificates to PhD programs.


Estimated budget for your study are shown below according to your interest. In many cases there are possibilities to work during your study. In order to be on the safe side you should be prepared to cover your first year from your savings. In some cases a proof of your financial capability may be required.


Tuition Fee
Per Semester

Other Expenses


Please check below the available study programs that fit you best. Mark the programs of your choice and click apply now. You can apply for more than one program. Our fee per application is only EUR 49.90. You will get full professional advice and hands-on support from our experts on our online platform.

Experts will guide you through your application process and give you ongoing advice to maximize your chances of being accepted. You will have support with everything you need from accommodation to your flight reservation as well as local pick-up and transfer for free.

Your program choice is not final when you click on Apply Now. It is the beginning of your application journey with us. You may decide by yourself or our advisors may suggest you to apply for another program to maximize your chances of success.

Program Name

Apply Now

Your applications will be activated for the selected programs. Remember that this is not your final choice. During your application process you may choose or our experts may recommend you different programs in order to maximise your chances to get accepted. After payment of the application service fees please log in to your account and start your application process under the "My Services" section.

  • Degree : Graduate - Postgraduate - Undergraduate
  • Application Fee : EUR0
  • Intake : July
  • Deadline for application : 01 Jul 2021
  • Language Requirements : ✓  International Certificate in English at B2 level

CBS International Business School Description

CBS International Business School is a state-recognised private university of applied sciences for business. CBS offers accredited Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degree programmes in English on a full-time basis. Throughout Germany, the university is represented at three locations in Cologne, Mainz, and Potsdam. In addition, there are over 120 international partner universities worldwide where students can spend their semester abroad. In various rankings, HR managers and students confirm that CBS is the best private university of applied sciences for business administration in the Rhineland and is one of the best digital education providers in Germany.

Mainz Campus Description

CBS International Business School is a state-recognised private university of applied sciences for business. CBS offers accredited Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degree programmes in English on a full-time basis. Throughout Germany, the university is represented at three locations in Cologne, Mainz, and Potsdam. In addition, there are over 120 international partner universities worldwide where students can spend their semester abroad. In various rankings, HR managers and students confirm that CBS is the best private university of applied sciences for business administration in the Rhineland and is one of the best digital education providers in Germany.

The Mainz campus is located on the Rhine, but further south in the Rhine-Main region. The old Roman city is the capital of Rhineland-Palatinate and is located directly on the border to Hesse. There are no limits to mobility in this region. With the semester ticket, you can travel from the Südbahnhof (train station) in Mainz, where the CBS campus is located, to Frankfurt, Wiesbaden or Darmstadt in less than 45 minutes. There are numerous offers for part-time jobs and internships here due to the strong economy. With approximately 350 students, the study location in Mainz is very informal and clearly structured. Located directly on the banks of the Rhine in Mainz, the CBS campus offers the perfect opportunity to relax after lectures at the Winterhafen or in the old town of Mainz. “Fastnacht” (carnival) also plays a major role in Mainz and turns the city into a giant party every year. As approx. 40,000 of the 200,000 inhabitants are students, Mainz offers many cultural events for this target group and maintains a young start-up scene whose offers shape the city as a place to study.

* International students are required to pay a deposit (3000 €) in order to secure their study place. It will be deducted from the last semester tuition fees of the chosen programme.

See Program Details

Tuition Fee

EUR7,230 Per Semester
See Details

In the Business Psychology course of CBS, you will acquire specialist knowledge for your international management career: During the first semesters you will be introduced step by step to the basics of financial accounting, business basics and microeconomics and will deepen this knowledge in relevant fields of application such as “market research” and “strategic and international management”. Other focal points include:- Media and Consumer Psychology-…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

Digital change does not only confront companies with the challenge to technically restructure processes and business procedures, but also to actively involve their employees during the entire change process. This requires managers to have special skills that go beyond the technical and methodological knowledge of business management. In the specialisation "Digital Management" in the Bachelor programme "International Business" you will acquire important…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

There is a good reason why many CEOs were first Chief Financial Officers. Every business is about money. About profitability and liquidity. Numbers are at the heart of any business. Those who know the financial situation and can control it can lead the entire company. Therefore, experts who studied Finance are in demand. They work in the financial departments of companies or directly in companies for which money is the essential business: namely…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

The human resources department in every company requires people with leadership skills. You will learn leadership theories, how HR management works, how labor law differs between industries and from one country to another, and how you can become an ethical, socially responsible and successful leader.In Germany, people include a photo and salary expectations when applying for a job. In the UK, photos are often frowned upon and the salary is already…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

Theoretically, the best product or the most attractive service should have no trouble succeeding on the market. Practically however, the marketing is often decisive. Why is a particular detergent the market leader? Why does one business software company have fans and others just customers? Marketing is an art. And a science. The Marketing Management studies at CBS will teach you marketing from the ground up. From classic advertising to social media…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

You could be forgiven for believing that you’ve got a good understanding of what tourism management entails. The familiarity of booking a trip and experiencing a destination as a marketable entity seems almost second nature to us. However, even the shortest excursion often involves intersecting with various facets of hospitality, aviation, event, service and hotel management. What’s more, tourism is directly affected by the environment – and vice…

EUR7,830 Per Semester
See Details

It is not possible to predict or calculate how consumers will react in the economic cycle or how employees will react in change processes. Business psychologists play an important role in these questions due to their sound academic, interdisciplinary training: Firstly, they possess the psychological expertise to positively influence and steer employees or customers. Secondly, they have a deep understanding of business administration, which helps…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

As one of the largest transformation processes in the history of mankind, digitalization is changing the demands placed on companies and business processes. In order to successfully shape digital change within companies, managers with extensive process management and IT know-how are needed. The master's Degree in Digital Transformation Management offers you well-founded specialist knowledge on the opportunities and challenges of digitilization as…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Today, human resources have achieved a powerful position because they provide decisive competitive advantage. Keywords such as shortage of skilled workers, digitalisation of work, changed work-life balance demands of Generation Y, (gender) diversity, sustainable employee management, the discussion about scandals and leadership ethics, and much more dominate the headlines. All areas are embedded in a global strategy and influenced by strong competition,…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Finance is the backbone of the economy of every country and every company. This is where you see your future. You have discovered your talent for finance and are now ready for the next step: a four-semester master’s degree programme in financial management at CBS International Business School qualifies you for higher management tasks in international corporations. Here you acquire the skills that employers are looking for: along with outstanding…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Marketing is constantly changing. Though digitization makes it easy to measure advertising effectiveness, the fragmentation of communication channels and the bombardment of advertisements in an “always-on” society makes it increasingly challenging to place advertising messages effectively. On a global level, this means flexibility is required in terms of strategic marketing decisions, creating a demand for a new type of manager who will help shape…

EUR7,830 Per Semester
See Details

With its comprehensive training concept, the master of science in strategic management & consulting prepares you optimally for positions in management or consulting companies. Within four semesters, you will thus become able to make far-reaching decisions for your future employer on the basis of figures and facts.What strategy change should a company implement? And which consulting tools and techniques do you use to base your evidence on to justify…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

Studying International Business at CBS can provide you with the decisive career advancement that a normal business studies programme may not be able to offer. As the world of business has become globalized, almost every kind of business today is international business. This can be seen by the fact that the company language of large, international corporations and German medium-sized companies is often English. The reason: customers and company locations…


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Studying in another country is often the beginning of a new life. USA, Canada and the UK are the most popular destinations for international students. Western and Central European countries are closing the gap by offering high quality programs at more affordable prices and flexible rules to access the labor market. Univerna co-operates with prominent educational institutions all over the world.

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Finland
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Malta
  • Online
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Slovakia
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • UK
  • USA
  • United States of America

Your nationality and country of residence may play an important role during your program and visa application process. We know the invisible criteria and will help you once you start your application process with us.


Most institutions require a proof of your language proficiency. Students often start with a preparation program to improve their language skills in line with the program requirements and obtain a certificate.


Educational institutions offer a huge variety of programs in a wide range on different study levels from short term certificates to PhD programs.


Estimated budget for your study are shown below according to your interest. In many cases there are possibilities to work during your study. In order to be on the safe side you should be prepared to cover your first year from your savings. In some cases a proof of your financial capability may be required.


Tuition Fee
Per Semester

Other Expenses


Please check below the available study programs that fit you best. Mark the programs of your choice and click apply now. You can apply for more than one program. Our fee per application is only EUR 49.90. You will get full professional advice and hands-on support from our experts on our online platform.

Experts will guide you through your application process and give you ongoing advice to maximize your chances of being accepted. You will have support with everything you need from accommodation to your flight reservation as well as local pick-up and transfer for free.

Your program choice is not final when you click on Apply Now. It is the beginning of your application journey with us. You may decide by yourself or our advisors may suggest you to apply for another program to maximize your chances of success.

Program Name

Apply Now

Your applications will be activated for the selected programs. Remember that this is not your final choice. During your application process you may choose or our experts may recommend you different programs in order to maximise your chances to get accepted. After payment of the application service fees please log in to your account and start your application process under the "My Services" section.

  • Degree : Graduate - Postgraduate - Undergraduate
  • Application Fee : EUR0
  • Intake : July
  • Deadline for application : 01 Jul 2021
  • Language Requirements : ✓  International Certificate in English at B2 level

CBS International Business School Description

CBS International Business School is a state-recognised private university of applied sciences for business. CBS offers accredited Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degree programmes in English on a full-time basis. Throughout Germany, the university is represented at three locations in Cologne, Mainz, and Potsdam. In addition, there are over 120 international partner universities worldwide where students can spend their semester abroad. In various rankings, HR managers and students confirm that CBS is the best private university of applied sciences for business administration in the Rhineland and is one of the best digital education providers in Germany.

Potsdam Campus Description

CBS International Business School is a state-recognised private university of applied sciences for business. CBS offers accredited Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degree programmes in English on a full-time basis. Throughout Germany, the university is represented at three locations in Cologne, Mainz, and Potsdam. In addition, there are over 120 international partner universities worldwide where students can spend their semester abroad. In various rankings, HR managers and students confirm that CBS is the best private university of applied sciences for business administration in the Rhineland and is one of the best digital education providers in Germany.

The newest of the CBS campuses is located in Potsdam, Brandenburg. Not far from the German capital, Potsdam is best known for its film scene and the surrounding Brandenburg region. Students at the Potsdam campus benefit from the immediate vicinity of the megacity Berlin. The CBS campus is integrated into so-called co-working spaces of start-ups and therefore has innovative designs and excellent technical equipment. Right on the grounds of the Babelsberg film studios, CBS students learn about and research current economic topics such as digitalisation and sustainability. As a study city, Potsdam accommodates approximately 24,000 students and has a total population of 180,000. In addition to a wide range of cultural sights, the state capital offers a unique lake landscape in the immediate vicinity.  As business locations, Potsdam and Berlin offer numerous opportunities to join large corporations or digital start-ups and so you can consider your career aspirations at an early stage. Housing space is also limited here, but somewhat cheaper than in the other two locations. 

* International students are required to pay a deposit (3000 €) in order to secure their study place. It will be deducted from the last semester tuition fees of the chosen programme.

See Program Details

Tuition Fee

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

Digital change does not only confront companies with the challenge to technically restructure processes and business procedures, but also to actively involve their employees during the entire change process. This requires managers to have special skills that go beyond the technical and methodological knowledge of business management. In the specialisation "Digital Management" in the Bachelor programme "International Business" you will acquire important…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

There is a good reason why many CEOs were first Chief Financial Officers. Every business is about money. About profitability and liquidity. Numbers are at the heart of any business. Those who know the financial situation and can control it can lead the entire company. Therefore, experts who studied Finance are in demand. They work in the financial departments of companies or directly in companies for which money is the essential business: namely…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

The human resources department in every company requires people with leadership skills. You will learn leadership theories, how HR management works, how labor law differs between industries and from one country to another, and how you can become an ethical, socially responsible and successful leader.In Germany, people include a photo and salary expectations when applying for a job. In the UK, photos are often frowned upon and the salary is already…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

Theoretically, the best product or the most attractive service should have no trouble succeeding on the market. Practically however, the marketing is often decisive. Why is a particular detergent the market leader? Why does one business software company have fans and others just customers? Marketing is an art. And a science. The Marketing Management studies at CBS will teach you marketing from the ground up. From classic advertising to social media…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

As one of the largest transformation processes in the history of mankind, digitalization is changing the demands placed on companies and business processes. In order to successfully shape digital change within companies, managers with extensive process management and IT know-how are needed. The master's Degree in Digital Transformation Management offers you well-founded specialist knowledge on the opportunities and challenges of digitilization as…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Food is no longer ordered over the phone but through an app. Payment transactions are carried out via an online service. The rail system found itself up against competition from long-distance buses – because founders had a good idea and the courage to legally make it happen. Start-ups can be successful in many industries, and a start-up community is emerging in more and more cities. But not every company is founded on immediate success. What factors…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Today, human resources have achieved a powerful position because they provide decisive competitive advantage. Keywords such as shortage of skilled workers, digitalisation of work, changed work-life balance demands of Generation Y, (gender) diversity, sustainable employee management, the discussion about scandals and leadership ethics, and much more dominate the headlines. All areas are embedded in a global strategy and influenced by strong competition,…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Globalization presents new challenges to international corporations. Potential employers expect leadership, team and integration skills, high motivation, multilingualism and excellent knowledge of economics. Precisely these abilities are imparted on you within the International Business Master’s programme at CBS International Business School, so that later on, you can make strategically meaningful and sustainable decisions in middle or senior management.…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Finance is the backbone of the economy of every country and every company. This is where you see your future. You have discovered your talent for finance and are now ready for the next step: a four-semester master’s degree programme in financial management at CBS International Business School qualifies you for higher management tasks in international corporations. Here you acquire the skills that employers are looking for: along with outstanding…

EUR7,530 Per Semester
See Details

Marketing is constantly changing. Though digitization makes it easy to measure advertising effectiveness, the fragmentation of communication channels and the bombardment of advertisements in an “always-on” society makes it increasingly challenging to place advertising messages effectively. On a global level, this means flexibility is required in terms of strategic marketing decisions, creating a demand for a new type of manager who will help shape…

EUR6,930 Per Semester
See Details

Studying International Business at CBS can provide you with the decisive career advancement that a normal business studies programme may not be able to offer. As the world of business has become globalized, almost every kind of business today is international business. This can be seen by the fact that the company language of large, international corporations and German medium-sized companies is often English. The reason: customers and company locations…


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Studying in another country is often the beginning of a new life. USA, Canada and the UK are the most popular destinations for international students. Western and Central European countries are closing the gap by offering high quality programs at more affordable prices and flexible rules to access the labor market. Univerna co-operates with prominent educational institutions all over the world.

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Finland
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Malta
  • Online
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Slovakia
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • UK
  • USA
  • United States of America

Your nationality and country of residence may play an important role during your program and visa application process. We know the invisible criteria and will help you once you start your application process with us.


Most institutions require a proof of your language proficiency. Students often start with a preparation program to improve their language skills in line with the program requirements and obtain a certificate.


Educational institutions offer a huge variety of programs in a wide range on different study levels from short term certificates to PhD programs.


Estimated budget for your study are shown below according to your interest. In many cases there are possibilities to work during your study. In order to be on the safe side you should be prepared to cover your first year from your savings. In some cases a proof of your financial capability may be required.


Tuition Fee
Per Semester

Other Expenses


Please check below the available study programs that fit you best. Mark the programs of your choice and click apply now. You can apply for more than one program. Our fee per application is only EUR 49.90. You will get full professional advice and hands-on support from our experts on our online platform.

Experts will guide you through your application process and give you ongoing advice to maximize your chances of being accepted. You will have support with everything you need from accommodation to your flight reservation as well as local pick-up and transfer for free.

Your program choice is not final when you click on Apply Now. It is the beginning of your application journey with us. You may decide by yourself or our advisors may suggest you to apply for another program to maximize your chances of success.

Program Name

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Your applications will be activated for the selected programs. Remember that this is not your final choice. During your application process you may choose or our experts may recommend you different programs in order to maximise your chances to get accepted. After payment of the application service fees please log in to your account and start your application process under the "My Services" section.