Lincoln University

USA / Oakland

  • Degree : Graduate - Language Courses - PhD / Doctoral Studies - Undergraduate
  • Application Fee : USD95
  • Intake : May
  • Deadline for application : 01 Jul 2022
  • Language Requirements : ✓  International Certificate in English at B2 level

Lincoln University Description

-The mission of Lincoln University is to provide affordable educational programs in diverse fields of study, delivered by experienced educators, and leading to outstanding employment opportunities for American and international students. Graduate and Undergraduate programs utilize practical experience of the instructors and are geared to give its students tools for successful professional careers.
- By selecting Lincoln University, you are choosing an education that will make possible a life full of opportunities and will give you skills to gain greater control over your own destiny. I’d like to personally welcome you aboard and congratulate you on making this important decision.
Lincoln University is a unique institution of higher learning, where educational excellence, professional know-how, and up-to-date standards are combined with individual attention and a friendly atmosphere, giving rise to a world-class education.
-At Lincoln, we pride both on the quality of our education and its relevance in today’s professional world. Each program within the university is designed to ensure that all of the acquired knowledge and skills will be valuable to its graduates, providing a solid practical foundation for the student’s future. We make sure that every part of our education serves a purpose and brings students closer to accomplishing their goals.
Since its founding in 1919, around the same time as many of America’s top schools, the university has chosen to deliver the best, custom-fit education to the select few, rather than provide the widest range of subjects and cater to the widest possible audience. Lincoln begins with a highly competent faculty and mentors each student all the way to graduation. Our students’ success proves that we make the right choices.
A multicultural student body and faculty make Lincoln University a truly global school. Located in a powerful international hub-the San Francisco Bay Area, it provides invaluable learning opportunities. A successful career in the 21st century requires deep understanding of international relations and the impact of globalization; Lincoln is well positioned to give its students such an advantage in professional fields worldwide.
I invite you to discover for yourself the unique character of Lincoln University. Our excellent and rigorous curriculum, outstanding faculty, and convenient facilities provide all the necessary components to ensure our students’ path to a successful future.
-The basic objectives of the University are: 1) to assist students in the development of their analytical capacity; 2) to provide the necessary knowledge of the selected subject areas; 3) to instill the values of personal responsibility leading to good citizenship in a global society.

California, United States Description

-The mission of Lincoln University is to provide affordable educational programs in diverse fields of study, delivered by experienced educators, and leading to outstanding employment opportunities for American and international students. Graduate and Undergraduate programs utilize practical experience of the instructors and are geared to give its students tools for successful professional careers.

By selecting Lincoln University, you are choosing an education that will make possible a life full of opportunities and will give you skills to gain greater control over your own destiny. I’d like to personally welcome you aboard and congratulate you on making this important decision.

Lincoln University is a unique institution of higher learning, where educational excellence, professional know-how, and up-to-date standards are combined with individual attention and a friendly atmosphere, giving rise to a world-class education.

-At Lincoln, we pride both on the quality of our education and its relevance in today’s professional world. Each program within the university is designed to ensure that all of the acquired knowledge and skills will be valuable to its graduates, providing a solid practical foundation for the student’s future. We make sure that every part of our education serves a purpose and brings students closer to accomplishing their goals.

Since its founding in 1919, around the same time as many of America’s top schools, the university has chosen to deliver the best, custom-fit education to the select few, rather than provide the widest range of subjects and cater to the widest possible audience. Lincoln begins with a highly competent faculty and mentors each student all the way to graduation. Our students’ success proves that we make the right choices.

A multicultural student body and faculty make Lincoln University a truly global school. Located in a powerful international hub-the San Francisco Bay Area, it provides invaluable learning opportunities. A successful career in the 21st century requires deep understanding of international relations and the impact of globalization; Lincoln is well positioned to give its students such an advantage in professional fields worldwide.

I invite you to discover for yourself the unique character of Lincoln University. Our excellent and rigorous curriculum, outstanding faculty, and convenient facilities provide all the necessary components to ensure our students’ path to a successful future.

-The basic objectives of the University are: 1) to assist students in the development of their analytical capacity; 2) to provide the necessary knowledge of the selected subject areas; 3) to instill the values of personal responsibility leading to good citizenship in a global society; and 4) to provide a terminal degree to the motivated and capable students.

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Tuition Fee

USD5,460 Per Semester
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The Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (BA in BA) Program consists of 123 units, containing 45 units of General Education (GE) and three major parts: 42 units of General Business Administration (GBA), 21 units of ,Concentrations, and 15 units of Elective courses.

USD5,460 Per Semester
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The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Diagnostic Imaging (DI) degree program at Lincoln University consists of 122 units, containing 45 units of General Education, 16 units of Core, 34 units of General Ultrasound, 21 units of Concentrations and Elective courses, and 6 units of Externships supervised by certified advisors.

USD4,680 Hourly
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The MS in Finance Management degree program enables students with undergraduate and/or graduate degrees in business to gain an in-depth and applied understanding of the complexities and functions of finance professionals in a globally competitive and rapidly changing business environment. This specialized degree program is designed to address major financial issues facing firms such as capital sourcing, foreign and domestic investment risk, financial…

USD4,680 Per Semester
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The MS in International Business degree program enables students with undergraduate and/or graduate degrees to gain an in-depth and applied understanding of the complexities and functions of international management professionals in a globally competitive business environment. This specialized degree program is designed to address major managerial, economic and strategic planning issues facing multinational firms such as product development and competitive…

USD4,680 Per Semester
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The MBA at Lincoln University is designed to develop broad managerial competence to enable graduates to cope with a wide variety of business situations appropriate to their diverse backgrounds. The program upholds a strong international focus. In order to fulfill the overall mission, emphasis is placed throughout the program on the development of the individual through the concentration on basic disciplines and skills as well as specific subject…

PhD / Doctoral Studies
USD4,680 Per Semester
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The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program at Lincoln University is an advanced academic degree program preparing students for teaching and research positions within universities and/or the pursuit of careers in management or consulting at senior levels. The purpose of the program is to educate students in the concepts and techniques needed to understand a range of business disciplines and to conduct research on issues arising in professional…


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Studying in another country is often the beginning of a new life. USA, Canada and the UK are the most popular destinations for international students. Western and Central European countries are closing the gap by offering high quality programs at more affordable prices and flexible rules to access the labor market. Univerna co-operates with prominent educational institutions all over the world.

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Your nationality and country of residence may play an important role during your program and visa application process. We know the invisible criteria and will help you once you start your application process with us.


Most institutions require a proof of your language proficiency. Students often start with a preparation program to improve their language skills in line with the program requirements and obtain a certificate.


Educational institutions offer a huge variety of programs in a wide range on different study levels from short term certificates to PhD programs.


Estimated budget for your study are shown below according to your interest. In many cases there are possibilities to work during your study. In order to be on the safe side you should be prepared to cover your first year from your savings. In some cases a proof of your financial capability may be required.


Tuition Fee
Per Semester

Other Expenses


Please check below the available study programs that fit you best. Mark the programs of your choice and click apply now. You can apply for more than one program. Our fee per application is only EUR 49.90. You will get full professional advice and hands-on support from our experts on our online platform.

Experts will guide you through your application process and give you ongoing advice to maximize your chances of being accepted. You will have support with everything you need from accommodation to your flight reservation as well as local pick-up and transfer for free.

Your program choice is not final when you click on Apply Now. It is the beginning of your application journey with us. You may decide by yourself or our advisors may suggest you to apply for another program to maximize your chances of success.

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Your applications will be activated for the selected programs. Remember that this is not your final choice. During your application process you may choose or our experts may recommend you different programs in order to maximise your chances to get accepted. After payment of the application service fees please log in to your account and start your application process under the "My Services" section.