Choose the Ideal Study Destination, Go to Canada!
#Education | 30 Jun 2021

1. Constructive English environment

Canada has a wide variety of study programs. It doesn’t matter what your field is, you will definitely have it in English as all Canadian universities offer programs in English. And if you are a non-native English speaker, you will have the great opportunity to foster your English language skills in Canada. For sure you will improve yourself by learning more advanced English words, which is necessary in the business world, whatever the field you want to work in. So what you have to do is simply find out your dream program and your favorite university!

2. Sophisticated education system

Canada, as one of the most educated countries in the world, offers world-class education and infrastructure to its students. 27 universities in Canada are highly ranked by Times Education in the list of the top universities in the world, which makes Canada one of the most famous study destinations in the world along with countries like the US and the UK. The cost of education in Canada would range from 4,000 to 17,000 Canadian Dollars, depending on the course.

Here are some universities you can look for:
Kings University College in Ontario
Pacific Link College in Surrey

3. Exceptional society

The reason why Canada attracts so many international students is not only due to its quality of education, but also because of its notoriety as a tolerant and safe place, and its cities that are ideal for international students to live, study and work in. Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, and Ottawa are the 4 best student cities in Canada. Note an interesting fact that the province of Ontario counts almost 50% of the country’s international student population, so nearly 300,000 students.

4. Outstanding career opportunities

This exceptional study destination will foster your competencies and your resume for sure. It avails you of the best placement opportunity in the international job market, so if you have a dream to have a scintillating career and experience your education in the most educated country, then Canada welcomes you with open arms. Indeed, the country’s work program (named PWPP for Post-Graduation Work Permit Program) allows you to work in Canada for up to three years after you graduated. It is a golden opportunity to experience the working culture of such a great country!

5. Learn one more language

Learning a language is always a good thing to do as it empowers your resume. In Canada, the French language is spoken by 20% of the population, especially in the state of Quebec which has 85% of the country’s french-speaking population. French is also one of the most spoken languages in the world, so learning French will be one more skill for you and it will also be the gateway to France for you in the French job market.

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