Social Justice And Peace Studies

Canada / London, Ontario

  • Level : Long-cycle
  • Institution : Kings University College
  • Deadline for application : 01 Dec 2021
  • Registration Fee : CAD0
  • Tuition Fee : CAD36,208 / Yearly
  • Duration : 4 Years
  • Language Requirements : International Certificate in English at B2 level


Social Justice and Peace Studies is an interdisciplinary academic program committed to experiential education and inspired by the Catholic Social Teaching tradition. It encourages critical reflection on oppression and injustice, locally and globally, and it examines theoretical and practical approaches to justice and peace. It calls students to social action that transforms the world in the interests of human dignity, equality, sustainability, and peace.
This innovative cross-disciplinary program offers one of four core courses in social justice and peace in each of the four years leading to a degree. These core courses are combined with existing courses drawn from a variety of disciplines such as sociology, politics, economics, history, social work, religious studies, and others. There is a mandatory service component in second year that engages students in local issues of Social Justice and Peace and an optional (experiential learning) component offering a variety of opportunities that may be undertaken at any time after first year. Course credit can be arranged for these experiences.
While this degree can be pursued independently, students are strongly encouraged to combine their degree in Social Justice and Peace with a Major or Minor in social science, arts, or science. The program is designed to make it easy to do this.
Although the program reflects King's mission as a Catholic College, the program addresses students of all religious and political persuasion in a spirit of open and free dialogue.
- Want to develop critical research and analytical skills
- Believe in becoming inclusive change agents in their community and around the world
- Are interested in expanding their awareness of social justice and peace issues
- Are interested in understanding the interlocking nature of poverty, violence, racism, sexism, environmental degradation and other forms of oppression
- Wish to participate in local and international experiential learning opportunities
- Want to think innovatively about how to create a more just and peaceful world
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Academic and practical learning in SJPS will have lifelong application. Students who complete a SJPS degree will be well-prepared, informed and active citizens. Their knowledge, insights and experiences are especially valuable in careers in civic engagement and social innovation, such as law, social work, education, government, medicine, environment, development, the nonprofit sector and business. On completion of a degree in SJPS, students will have the following knowledge, skills and experience:
- Analyze systems that give rise to oppression, injustice, and violence
- Investigate strategies to increase justice, social innovation, peace, and conflict resolution
- Recognize contemporary concerns for First Nations in Canada from a variety of perspectives and know how to address these issues
- Propose innovative alternatives to address injustice and violence and apply them to real situations
- Conflict resolution through non-violent means
- Critical thinking
- How to participate and organize in activism
- Oral presentation skills honed by leading seminars, presentations, public lectures and debates
- Qualitative and quantitative research skills
- Social media
- Strong engagement as global citizens
- Synthesis to bring multiple perspectives together in creative ways
- Teamwork and independent work
- Writing skills in a variety of forms, including critical reflections, policy briefs, blogs, and essays
- Working with community-based organizations during placements
- Living in a global context through optional experiential learning internationally or a semester exchange abroad
- Creating a policy brief analyzing a local and regional issue of injustice or violence
- Participating in a community-based learning symposium
- Capstone research project that brings together theory and method, practical experience from placements, and innovative actions to build justice and peace
Tuition fees are by following:
1 Year: 36,207.90
2 Year: 34,866.87
3 Year: 33,575.50
4 Year: 32,331.97
The university has two payment options:
- Plan A: One Full payment "August"
- Plan B: First payment "August"; Second payment "November"
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Most institutions require a proof of your language proficiency. Students often start with a preparation program to improve their language skills in line with the program requirements and obtain a certificate.


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Estimated budget for your study are shown below according to your interest. In many cases there are possibilities to work during your study. In order to be on the safe side you should be prepared to cover your first year from your savings. In some cases a proof of your financial capability may be required.


Tuition Fee
Per Semester

Other Expenses


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